INSTALLATION CEREMONYTyling 6:00pm Visitors 6:45pm
Festive Board Charge $20

All Brethren are cordially invited to join us for the Installation Ceremony of our Master Elect, W.Bro D. Scammell, by W.Bro K. Aubrey and W.Bro T. Dandie, together with the Investiture of Officers for the 2012-2013 year.

Wanneroo Lodge members are asked to keep in mind that there will be additional meeting dates prior to the Installation meeting for the benefit of rehearsals, and for the Instruction of younger Brethren. These dates are as follows:

Monday 20th August - 7:00pm
Sunday 26th August - 9:00am

Both the WM and M.Elect sincerely hope Wanneroo Lodge members, and those Officers occupying the Chairs for the Board of Installed Masters, can attend these rehearsals, and by doing so we can ensure a successful evening in August!

We very much look forward to your company for this auspicious occasion.